Wednesday 12 October 2011

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

"You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever--because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference." Steve Jobs

Embarking on a new journey in my life with quite a lot of uncertainty in the air, I took comfort in Steve Jobs' 2005 commencement speech to Stanford graduates, incredibly inspiring and thought provoking its given me a boost of confidence to find out what it is I am truly passionate about and go for it. 
People. If you have read through my blog you will see that I am fascinated about social interaction.
I love people and I love design. There's a start. So finding a way to merge talking/ meeting/ socializing with different people whilst being creative at the same time is where I'm headed.

Rest in peace Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)