Tuesday 1 February 2011

+Shall We?

The basis of my idea is that I want to place an intervention on site that encourages strangers to DANCE, an experience that highlights peoples interactions with each other and the environment.


Step by Step

This Idea uses the piezoelectric technology in the shape of footprints that map out different styles of dance; for example the Waltz,  Foxtrot etc, by using a numbering and arrow system to direct you to the next step. The piece is activated when two people step on the set of footprints, generating enough electricity to power the LED lights and appropriate music for that specific dance.

Group Dance

This idea incorporates the same piezoelectric technology, however by making the surface area bigger it allows more than 2 people to get involved at the same time, also the more people dancing on the surface the more energy is created, therefore becoming a sustainable way to power nearby lamp posts as well as the LED lights and music.